Terms of Service
You are hiring us (Stern Design) located in Williams, Oregon, USA to design and develop a website for the estimated total price as outlined in our proposal. Of course, it’s a little more complicated, but we’ll get to that.
1. Fixed Bid
All fees and expenses are “fixed bid.” There is no extra charge for minor changes made during the project (unlimited revisions.) We work until the job is done or until we reach the agreed-upon date. If a project goes beyond our agreed-upon date, project fees may be renegotiated.
2. Payment
Payment can be made via credit card or paypal. If you prefer to send a check, please make payment to:
Stern Design
1488 E Fork Rd
Williams, OR 97544
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required before we start and marks project kickoff. The balance is due before launching the site and within 10 days of final approval.
3. Ongoing Support and Maintenance
We will provide basic training as part of your main website package. We also offer a 30-day warranty period after your site is launched to fix any bugs or make minor changes. Large changes or additions will be renegotiated as a separate project.
After the 30-day warranty period, you may hire Matt at an hourly rate of $50 per hour with a $35 minimum.
4. Satisfaction Guarantee
You’ll review changes or revisions. We will continue to revise the project until you’re satisfied. Should the project work period expire, fees must be renegotiated. Production delays are discouraged. If you desire to discontinue the web project, for any reason, you must pay 30 percent of the original estimate as an additional project cancellation fee.
5. Your Role
As our customer, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide us with everything that we’ll need to complete the project – including text, images and other information – if and when we need it and in the format we ask for. You agree to review our work, provide feedback and approval in a timely manner too. Deadlines work two ways and you’ll also be bound by any dates that we set together.
5a. Designated Agent
We work for one boss. You have the option to specify a designated agent. All communication comes through this person. This agent must have approval authority. Two bosses or design committees create communication confusion and costly errors. Most communication is by email.
6. Changes
Each revision is reviewed by you or your designated agent for changes, revisions, and approvals.
7. Logotype Artwork
We use client supplied logo artwork only if it meets our criteria for best web practices for design and speed. Otherwise, we provide a clean and modern logotype (text only). We do not supply high-resolution 300-dpi artwork for print projects unless it is specified as separate extra work (fees apply).
8. Web Design Credit
We may link to your site for advertising purposes (demonstration). We may use a screen capture of your pages in our online portfolio or blog.
9. Confidentiality
We may acquire certain confidential information regarding your present and contemplated activities. We will not divulge or disclose such confidential information to others.
10. Independent Contractor
In all respects, our relationship to you is that of an independent contractor.
11. Limited Liability
Our liability for any loss or damage in connection with a project from any cause, including our negligence, shall not exceed the total fee paid.
12. Rankings Disclaimer
By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that Stern Design neither owns nor governs the actions of any search engine. You also acknowledge that due to fluctuations in the relative competitiveness of some search terms, recurring changes in the search engine algorithms and other competitive factors, it is impossible to guarantee number one rankings or consistent top ten rankings, or any other specific rankings for any particular search term.
13. Testing
Testing is done on Google Chrome and Firefox using Linux, WIN-PC, and Apple Mac OS and iOS operating systems. Screen tests are done on phone simulators, iPad and Android tablet and, also, on 19″ LCD desktop monitors. We make reasonable efforts to standardize the site. There is no way we can test or guarantee for every single past-and-future browser or device. Speed tests and reports are done on and We do not use Google PageSpeed Insight scores for benchmarking.
14. Mobile Responsive Design
We’ll make sure your site looks good on the following screen sizes:
- Desktop: 1024 pixels and above
- Larger Tablet: 1024 pixels
- Smaller Tablet: 768 pixels
- Phones: 360 – 450 pixels
Optimizing for screen sizes that fall outside of these ranges is generally unnecessary, as very few users have such devices. Responsive optimizations beyond the screen sizes mentioned above will incur extra fees.
15. Severability
Should any clause of the contract be found to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid, the rest of the contract will remain valid. This agreement is subject to the laws of Oregon state, USA.
I have read this agreement and agree to the terms.
Signed and dated:
X ____________________________
X ____________________________